
Esencias Florales


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# Enlaces web Hits
1   Link   Diafarm
En Diafarm, es nuestro objetivo convertirnos en líderes en los mercados OTC y Parafarmacéutico. Para ello, buscamos marcas que deseen acompañarnos. Nuestra experiencia, iniciada en 1982, nos ha permitido alcanzar las metas deseadas.
La Salud y el Bienestar es nuestro fin. Por ello, todos los que trabajamos en Diafarm no tenemos más deseo que uno: el de ofrecer "Marcas con Salud".
Bajo el lema "Juntos llegaremos más lejos", muchas compañías nacionales y extranjeras han trabajado con nosotros logrando convertirse en líderes de sus sectores de mercado.

At Diafarm we aim to become leaders of the OTC and Parapharmaceutical markets. To do this, we are looking for brands who wish to join us. Our experience, since we started in 1982, has enabled us to reach our goals.
Health and Well-being are our goals. For this reason, all of us at Diafarm have only one wish: to offer "Healthy Brands".
Under the slogan "Together we'll go further", many companies, both Spanish and foreign, have worked with us, becoming leaders in their market sectors.

2   Link   Floralba
Esencias Florales del Mediterráneo, Esencias Áureas, Flores del Alba, Damas Áureas, Rosas de Percival.
3   Link   Nestinar
El centro Nestinar se inaugura oficialmente en Enero de 1988 y el nombre elegido para darle vida significa en búlgaro “el hombre que atraviesa el fuego”, porque simbólicamente representa la fuerza interna del hombre que puede vencer sus miedos y transmutarlos en valor moral, coraje y autodominio. En su inicio, NestiNar se concretó como un lugar de reunión para el desarrollo de todo tipo de actividades relacionadas con el crecimiento interior. Agradecemos a todos aquellos que con sus aportaciones han contribuido al desarrollo de NestiNar.

Nestinar es elaboradora de esencias florales y distribuidora de otras esencias del mundo como una ayuda valiosa para una mayor sanación bioenergética, complementaria a todas las medicinas.

Los artículos que distribuimos en NestiNar están dirigidos al cuidado de la salud, la calidad de vida y el autoconocimiento.
4   Link   FES - Flower Essence Services
FES has pioneered the development of the FES Quintessentials™ North American flower essences, whose qualities are corroborated by extensive clinical feedback from health practitioners throughout the world.

We also represent the Healingherbs™ English Flower Essences, prepared by Julian Barnard of England, according to the original indications of Dr. Edward Bach, and made from the same flowers used by Dr. Bach.

5   Link   Australian Bush Essences
Ian grew up in the Australian bush. As a young boy his grandmother, like her mother before her, specialised in using Australian plants and would often take him bush walking. From her deep understanding she would point out the many healing plants and flowers. He learned a profound respect for nature through her and went on to become a practitioner and a pioneer working with and researching the rare remedial qualities of Australian native plants.

Australia has the world's oldest and highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. Also Australia is relatively unpolluted and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy.

At this time there is a tremendous new vitality in this country. This, combined with the inherent power of the land, is why the Australian Bush Flower Essences are unique. Practitioners and prescribers world wide are now incorporating the Australian Essences to form an integral part of their therapy.

The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one's life. Then everyone benefits....the individual, society and the planet.

The effect of these Essences is similar to that of meditation in that they enable the person to access the wisdom of their Higher Self. This releases negative beliefs held in the subconscious mind and allows the positive virtues of the Higher Self - love, joy, faith, courage etc. to flood their being. When this happens the negative beliefs and thoughts are dissolved, balance is restored and true healing occurs.
Ian White B.Sc.,N.D.,D.B.M
Founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences
6   Link   Himalayan Flower Enhancers
Himalayan Flower Enhancers are flower essences that are a unique aid to self-enquiry, hence they are called “enhancers”.

When one is very sensitive and open to nature, it is clear that plants and their flowers each have their own character and qualities. Taken as an essence, these flowers can resonate with, and awaken or enhance the same qualities within a person.

Nature offers us complete healing - restoring balance and well-being, and allowing us to awaken to the truth of our wholeness and interconnectedness with all of life.
7   Link   Master's Flower Essences
The year was 1977. A blending of the Bach preparation method with the Indian sage Paramhansa Yogananda’s interpretations of the psychological and spiritual qualities of foods began to form Spirit-in-Nature Essences.

Developed in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains just north of Nevada City, California, by founder Lila Devi, these 20 essences have since gained worldwide recognition as the oldest essence line outside the UK.

Holistic healing, at its best, supports the entire living being by strengthening its life force, which is the true healer. Flower essences are one such method. As Hippocrates, considered the father of Western medicine, said nearly 2,000 years ago, "Our natures are the physicians of diseases." They are also the harbingers of our health.
8   Link   Florais de Saint Germain
Nueva Era – Era de la Libertad, de la Luz, de la Iluminación y de la Revelación
Vivimos la aurora de un nuevo tiempo, en el que surgen más y más nuevas formas de curación del alma y consecuentemente, del cuerpo físico. Mejor dicho: un tiempo de nuevos métodos de ampliación de la conciencia, que están en concordancia con la necesidad del perfeccionamiento armónico y evolutivo de nuestra humanidad, para tornarla más saludable, feliz, fraterna y espiritual. Esto es lo que presento en el trabajo que vengo desarrollando junto a la sintonización de las flores y a la revelación de la ciencia de los Rayos Divinos. Esta nueva ciencia surge con el descubrimiento de la actuación de los Rayos en las esencias florales extraídas de ciertas flores divinamente energizadas. Muchas personas que fueron agraciadas por los dones integradores y armonizadores de las esencias florales, me revelan que se sienten como tocados por un milagro en contacto con sus sutiles energías. Yo afirmo, que sí, fueron tocados por el milagro del amoroso trabajo dirigido por los Seres de la Luz, de la Gran Fraternidad Blanca, que, unidos al Divino Propósito Mayor, ejecutan este grandioso trabajo junto a las flores. En el Plano Etérico, a través del Cuarto Rayo Blanco, los Devas, juntamente con sus auxiliares – los Elementales de las flores, las Hadas y los Elfos – crean el Modelo Perfecto de las plantas y de sus flores, que por la atracción magnética a través de las bellas formas, colores y perfumes, establecen las condiciones ideales para que se adhieran en ellas, las energías contenidas en los Rayos Divinos. Las energías-bendiciones y las energías-gracias, que por medio de las esencias florales, tienen el poder de expandir nuestra conciencia, de curarnos y de alinear a nuestro Yo Superior, transformándonos en seres humanos más sabios, conscientes, saludables y felices.

Neide Margonari
9   Link   Pacific Essences
Pacific Essences® is dedicated to the promotion of Flower, Sea and Gem essences as non-invasive, gentle, and effective tools for healing. We believe that an essence is the manifestation of Spirit in each physical form. It reveals itself as the unique vibration or frequency in all living things. It is the energetic imprint of the life force of a particular plant.
10   Link   Living Essences of Australia
The wise nurture their mind and body...

Living Essences are world leaders in the research of Mind-Body flower essence health products.

Being derived from nature within the natural pristine landscapes of Australia, their purity and potency is assured.

Medical science now recognises that stress and negative mind states can alter body chemistry and create physical disease.

For instance recent medical studies prove that depression is a greater cause of heart disease than smoking. Researchers found that in depressed people the blood platelets became more sticky, clogging arteries and veins. Depressed people lose hope, they view life from a negative perspective, lacking optimism and positivity.

The mind is powerful in its ability to effect our personal health and that of the environment for good or bad. When it is open to the inspiration of the higher consciousness, the health and welfare of ourselves and our planet is assured.
11   Link   Lemon Pharma - Entrevista
Entrevista a Fernando Sánchez, terapeuta floral

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